YWEH minsitries Foundation What is YWEH ministry?

What is YWEH ministry?

We are a help to the body of Christ to see the fullness of Jesus demonstrated in every believer’s life.

How? a

This includes teaching and equipping in areas of scripture the church is weak in. Giving insight into God’s direction for churches and regions. And providing tools to help Pastors and Leaders disciple believers. We want every follower of Christ to live as exemplified by Jesus in the Gospels.

Gospel’s purpose

We believe this was the purpose of Jesus’s life on earth and that the gospel books are an insight into that life. That we can live vicariously through the eyes of the disciples from their testimonies and stories of what Jesus taught them do. And therefore be pupils of the Son of Man. Because the Bible is inerrant word of God. He did not include stories and testimonys so they could be ignored by Christians. He included them in the Bible to help followers be Christ-Like (Christians).

While he was alive, Jesus gave insight into what a believers life would look like after he was gone. The Gospel writer Luke wrote a part two known to us the Book of Acts. Along with Apostle Paul’s letters to the church and a few other books thats God divinely purposed to be in the Bible. We have a good illustration of the fullness of Christ for our lives.

After the Gospels

Including what it looks like for God to bring new focus to the church based on Scripture not previously understood. We see this with Peter. When he witnessed the Holy Spirit coming upon Gentiles. His theology at the time did not allow for such things to happen but God had other plans. Plans previously laid out in scripture hundreds and thousands of years before. We see this in church history with Martin Luther, Methodists, Azuza Street, and so much more beyond that. At YWEH ministry we believe God is accelerating that timeline of revelation in human history.